Alaniz Associates, Inc. team members have specific experience in Federal, State, Municipal, and Private Contracts. We have extensive experience in managing and executing complicated projects which have included Military Construction, Fueling System Construction, Environmental Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Environmental Remediation Systems. Examples of projects managed and constructed include Groundwater Treatment Systems, Vapor Extraction Systems, Above and Belowground Fueling Systems. Other projects have involved diverse skill sets such as Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Systems, Mobil Containment Structures for Contaminated Soil Excavation, Aircraft Tie Downs and Air Cargo Handling Castor Decks.
The following is a sample of the many successful projects we have completed for our clients.
Remediation System Installations
Arsenic Potable Water Treatment Construction of two separate potable water treatment systems to treat elevated levels of arsenic. Project consisted of two separate systems which treated arsenic through an absorption prior to entering the potable water system. Alaniz Associates, Inc. completed design elements of the project including electrical, fixtures, building structure as well as constructing the project.
Installation of Dual Phase Extraction System. Project consisted of trenching and installing over 10,000 feet of piping to 21 dual phase extraction wells, equipment compound, installation of new gas and electrical service to remediation equipment. The project was an expansion of an existing Dual Phase System completed by J. C. Palomar 3-years earlier.
Soil Vapor Extraction System Installation. J. C. Palomar, Inc. has completed numerous Soil Vapor Extraction System Installations. Typical installations consist of permitting, trenching and piping to individual extraction wells, installation of utilities to service the remediation equipment, and equipment compound. In many cases, additional techniques are applied such as Air Sparge, Groundwater Extraction, Dual Phase Extraction, and Ozone Injection. J. C. Palomar has ongoing projects and relations with major petroleum retailers to provide remediation system construction.
Groundwater Extraction System Installation. J. C. Palomar, Inc. completed a 2,000 gpm groundwater treatment facility. The treatment facility included a 50-foot x 100-foot containment pad, 15-foot high decorative block wall and ductile iron piping to 18-inches in diameter. Treatment of the groundwater was accomplished by three 10,000 lb carbon vessels and two 10,000 lb resin vessels. Groundwater pumps and treatment controls were controlled by SCADA computer.
Site 25 ribbon cutting Nov. 28, 2001
Novel perchlorate treatment at Edwards sparks national interest
Base Tests Common Cleanup Solution at Uncommon Site (118kb .pdf)
Site 25 System Slows Down Containment (133kb .pdf)
Underground Storage Tanks and Fueling Systems
Underground Storage Tank Replacement. Existing diesel storage tanks were removed as part of a fueling system upgrade. The tank cavity was over-excavated to remove hydrocarbon impacted soil. The new double wall storage tanks were installed and piped to new dispensers. A tank leak detection system was installed. The facility and equipment fueling remained active with temporary fuel storage.
Underground and Above Ground Fuel Storage Maintenance. J. C. Palomar, Inc. services and maintains the fueling facilities for the Orange County Fire Authority.
Remediation Excavations
Heavy Metal Excavation. After demolition of a former manufacturing facility, J. C. Palomar excavated over 6,000 tons of lead and heavy metal impacted soil. Excavated soil was loaded for transported to a disposal facility.
Hydrocarbon and Solvent Excavations. J. C. Palomar, Inc. has completed numerous remediation excavations involving removal of hydrocarbon, solvent and lead impacted soil. Depending on the site, material was transported for disposal and the excavation was backfilled and resurfaced if necessary.
Site 426: Fieldwork Goes On To Ensure Safety Near New Dorms (271kb .pdf)
Work to Begin at Suspect Chemical Warfare Site (.pdf)
General Engineering Construction
Mobile Containment Structure for Chemical Weapons Excavation
Castor Deck for Air Cargo Handling. A new Castor Deck was installed at Ontario International Airport. The foundation consisted of sixteen vertical cast in place beams to act as guides for cargo lifts, double mat of rebar and 150 yards of concrete. All construction activities were completed on the flight line and were coordinated with ground crews to work around departing and arriving flights.
Parking Lot Replacement. An asphalt parking lot was removed and replaced with new grades and flow lines. New concrete curb and gutters were installed as well as traffic loops for security gates.